Sunset over Kigali, Rwanda
Searching for Shalom
In the biblical tradition "shalom" equates with wholeness, peace, harmony, reconciliation, and right relationship. It can seem elusive and even absent in a world so marked by sin, violence, and brokenness. And yet God continues to invite us to see grace in the midst of the shadows. My hope in this blog is to share some "glimpses of shalom" that emerge during my work in Africa.
My year in East Africa ended by returning to the country that first grabbed my heart 17 years ago...more
Fr. Robert Ayiko has always loved soccer. Now he is using that love to build peace in northern Uganda's biggest refugee camp...more
Easter 2019 offers a chance to remember two great Catholic leaders in modern Uganda: Fr. John Mary Waliggo and Emmanuel Cardinal Nsubuga ... more.
For over a decade, the Great Lakes Initiative has brought together Christian peacebuilders from some of the most conflictual areas of the continent...more.
Nominated as one of 1,000 "PeaceWomen" for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize, Mrs. Rosalba Oywa has spent over 30 years documenting the causes and empowering victims of Northern Uganda's conflicts... more.
Since 2004, BBC award-winning Radio Pacis has been sharing "gospel values radio" to listeners across northern Uganda...more.
In remembering Benedicto Kiwanuka, a Ugandan Supreme Court Chief Justice killed by Idi Amin, it was hard to miss the veiled references to Uganda’s current struggles with political intimidation. As an American, I couldn’t help but note the resonance with my own country’s struggles with executive overreach and judicial independence.
My wife offers a reflection on our 14 year journey supporting education in Uganda ....more.
Catholic sisters speak out on social and political injustice in Uganda.
The dedication was a true celebration. Hundreds of students lining the road, cheering, dancing and clapping.